The Questioner | Teen Ink

The Questioner

September 22, 2009
By D.Monae SILVER, Appomattox, Virginia
D.Monae SILVER, Appomattox, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'll cool your butt off if you think your hot stuff!"

I the wolf mighty and majestic

Sit perched upon my rock

My howl frightens you

Bringing shrill delight to me

But am I evil to want power

To command respect from my court

Is it I that commands the respect or my ways

But I do not seek power, fear, or respect; non

I search for love and understanding

I search for placid meadows to birth my young

And you set in your ways hunt me

Your fear overrides your moral judgments

So as I set upon my rock and contemplate my next move;

I tend to wonder what will morning bring

But it is petty of me not to live for today

So I climb down from my rock and shimmy homeward

For I know the day is done the fight almost won

I hear them calling but think not of it

For I know tomorrow will bring another adventure

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