My sweet paradise | Teen Ink

My sweet paradise

April 25, 2010
By CynthiaM GOLD, Plainfield, New Jersey
CynthiaM GOLD, Plainfield, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If violence doesn't solve anything then why would you encourage it with war"

My sweet paradise~
My sweet paradise.
My only escape.
What anxeities am I not subject to?
So that my insanity can be cured and replaced
With sanity given to me by my paradise.
That has come to take me away.
From all of the darkness this world brings today.
From the firey pits I come out of.
Shining like the sun.
But burnt to the core.
Until my insanity hurts no more.
And from this hell I move forward.
Only to move upon my feet.
That are burnt to the crisp only another part of my insanity.
My sweet paradise is the destination.
My only location that I may set my feet upon
The grass and be healed forever more.
To be cured.
For the bad memories to be erased.
From my sick head.
That was always subject to stress and what all the “what if’s?”
My subjection no longer.
My insanity will be cured.
That I may enjoy my happiness in subjection to the lord.
To come out of my shadow of hatred.
From this sick twisted world.
To come out of my brains common grave yard.
Into a more beautiful world.
True beauty I set my eyes upon.
For I have never seen.
Things I thought were beautiful and now they mean nothing.
Because my feet have healed as my mind has.
Fast approching my sweet paradise.
My sweet sanity. . .

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