Life Decisions | Teen Ink

Life Decisions

June 9, 2014
By jordan7707 SILVER, Peterborough, New Hampshire
jordan7707 SILVER, Peterborough, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Anything worth doing, is worth over-doing. Moderation is for cowards." -Lone Survivor

“He’s an athlete, no doubt about it,
I’m so positive, I could practically shout it.”
A work ethic combined with motivation
pays off in time; a team’s congratulations

“No way, you should hear the way he sings,
his music career is sure to take wings”
Knowledgeable and talented
very difficult to find
one that can project such a message
from so deep down inside

“You’re both wrong, he’s bound to be in the military,
His stature, his prowess, dignantly carried”
His command of respect, undeniably strong
intelligence and leadership, can never go wrong

“Take one look at his transcript, you’ll know for sure,
He’s heading to college, to become a successful scholar”
Headstrong and smart, completely classroom savvy
A full education is the only thing that will make him happy

“Well he can’t be all of those things and still raise a family,
He’s a pathetic romantic, who wants desperately to be ‘Daddy’
A child alone would be enough of a reward
to replace all of his dreams and more”

“He’s going to have to pick one, he can’t have them all,
his life will go by at the blink of an eye
to him it will seem like a crawl.”

The author's comments:
Simply put: this is what I am faced with. Heading to college is tough and I'm going to have to make some difficult choices at the fork in the road.

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