I had a nightmare | Teen Ink

I had a nightmare

March 4, 2015
By Kayleigh.Hall BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Kayleigh.Hall BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
cool stuff is cool

I had a nightmare

The shadows dancing on the walls
They scream and shout my name
They say the killer is in the closet
I can’t let him take me
The door creaks open slightly
A mist enters the room
The fear has taken over
I can not move
I hear footsteps coming towards me
Then a knife appears
The shadows scream wake-up
So I do what I’m told
My heart is racing
I sit up in bed
Wait, why is the window open
The room slightly strange
There is foul smell in the air
It is coming from the closet
I get up to see what it is
There is blood everywhere
It wasn’t a dream after all

Before the nightmare

I was walking home
Down an alleyway
The moon shining bright
The air fresh
I thought everything was perfect
But I was so very wrong
A man was following me
All dressed in black
I couldn’t see him
I never looked back
I reached the house
Everyone was asleep
Go up to my bed
Ready for a good nights sleep
What I didn't know
Would soon come to haunt me


After the nightmare

I can’t look away
It burns my eyes
My brother is lying there
I want to cry
But I have to get my parents
I run to there room
I won’t let the pain seep in
I won’t grieve until we are safe
I scream their names
But there is no response
My head is spinning
I can’t think
I go straight to the bathroom
They are not there
I search the whole house
Nowhere to be found
I break down
Cry until the tears run out
I call the police
They say they will come
But it is too late because
The killer has won

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