Irreversible | Teen Ink


December 1, 2015
By TUJulia BRONZE, Bayville, New York
TUJulia BRONZE, Bayville, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss you, Emily
Everywhere I go & everything I do,
No matter time, event or setting,
Reminds me of you

I can't turn a corner
Without seeing you there,
Reminded of our memories,
Wishing there were more to spare

Not a moment is left
For myself to think
Without you passing through my mind
But leaving after a blink

I can't stand this feeling
I've forced away my life,
For this empty void of hopelessness
In place of my future wife

There is a pit in my stomach,
And it will always be there,
For I have done damage
That is far beyond repair

Maybe one day
We can manage being friends
Though I will never ask for forgiveness
I will fight for it, until the end

There will never be a moment
That stands free of regret
I made the wrong decision
And to you, I am forever in debt

I miss you Emily
And I hope this finds you well,
I look forward to meeting again
But until then, I guess this is farewell.

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