Joys of Solitude | Teen Ink

Joys of Solitude MAG

August 18, 2023
By -Eric- SILVER, Niagara Falls, Ontario
-Eric- SILVER, Niagara Falls, Ontario
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one is in your vicinity,
A tranquil realm where thoughts align.
Nothing to breach serenity,
Only quiet moments,  just you is fine.

The world recedes, and what remains
Is a tapestry of peace.
In solitude, the heart unchains
And worries, find release.

A sanctuary where you get respite,
In quiet hours your truths are found.
A chance to heal, to see the light,
A chance to be unbound.

Embrace solitude, for it’s a friend,
In its silence, our minds can mend.

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