superbowl 44 | Teen Ink

superbowl 44

March 12, 2010
By Anonymous

in this very important football game. there will be a lot of blood and sweat. I will assure you that this game won't be lame.
the saints will probably have their minds set.
the Saints will defeat the colts.
it will be their first superbowl. The colts will vbe beaten so bad that they will dash back to Indianapolis.
but for the Saints this game will always be in their hearts. they will take victory by stealing the ball from the colts.
but at first their rivals were in the lead.
The determination of the saints were unmatched.
The saints ahd a creed and they pulled through.
this is how the New orleans Saints won their first superbowl in superbowl 44.

The author's comments:
The sport of football itself inspired me.

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