Wake | Teen Ink


January 25, 2019
By EnocAnguloL BRONZE, Sacramento, California
EnocAnguloL BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  For Janie Hannagan getting sucked in other person's dream is getting old, especially the most typical ones like the falling dream or the sex-crazed dreams or even the ones where you are naked or in underwear in the school or party.

  Wake is about a seventeen-year-old girl named Janie, who for some weird and unexplained reason she gets sucked in people's dreams and nightmares without control, and how she is living a hard life because her mother is an alcoholic and does nothing to help her out.

  She sees a bald businessman that is in underwear in his conference or  how Fieldridge Highs football star is naked in the middle of the game, how her friend Carrie lost her brother in a river when they went camping, or even how her bully Melinda is in love with Carrie, and lots of other dreams that are sometimes frightening or sometimes sweet.

  I thought this book  was about, like my teacher had told me about a person getting into person's dreams, like it was a person with superpowers and stuff like that but it wasn’t what I thought. It was a very good book, for a person that likes fiction or any person that wants to give this book a chance is going to like it just like me.

  Janie is trying to live her life the most ¨normal¨ possible way but her life is never going to get normal, or is it? She finds a boy that dreams about killing someone and that also dreams with her, she is after a while in love with him to tell him that she gets sucked in other people’s dreams and what she sees. Cabel on the other side, is a boy that grew up with a father that was cruel with him because of drugs and alcohol. Because of his dad’s addictions he got some burns in his chest and stomach that made him hate his father. Cabel is not a person that talks about how he feels or that type of stuff, but when he and Janie get together he opens up a little more. The author makes the characters a type of hard feeling people that let their feelings go when there is no one around or only with one person. The caracters show us that even if we don't have somebody that cares for us there is a person that will, that no matter if our resources are bad we can still be what we dream to be.

  Lisa Mcmann, is an american author that writes about young adult and fantasy. She has other published books, but the Wake trilogy is the one she debuted on the New York Times Best Seller. Mcmann has also written short stories, most of those stories are directed to an adult audience while her novels are directed to the young adults. The book is going to make you want to keep reading to find out what the character is going to do in the next page, it’s a book you would enjoy reading because of the good story.  

The author's comments:

This is a fiction story that is different to many others because it has something that nobody would have thought that could have been a good book.

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