Over The Wall | Teen Ink

Over The Wall

October 4, 2007
By Anonymous

Tyler's number one dream is to be on te all stars team so he was incredibly focused for all his games. He thinks he has skills to win physically out in the field, but does he have the skills to win mentally? As a baseball player he doesn't realize that maturity plays a big part in baseball and the only two obstacles that were in his way, was his low level of maturity and his temper.

He also faces depressing obstacles through out the story. Depressed that his dad never talks to him or plays catch anymore, the only way he let out the depression was by anger.

Though Tyler faces rough times through his baseball season, his coach helps him figure out how to handle the stress and depression. Will this "tempered baseball player" clean up his act and play for the all-stars, or will he mess up again and make bad decisions?

I recommend Over The Wall to anyone who loves suspense, heartbreak and a little bit of action.

This book will keep you at the edge of you seat through the whole book. Overall it's a very absorbing book. I like it myself because baseball is one of my favorite games.


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