Night | Teen Ink


August 9, 2012
By Taylor58 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Taylor58 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

This is a book about a young boy that was taken from his house to a concentration camp in 1944. He was separated from his mother while entering the concentration camp and was able to stay with his father. In this book Elie Wiesel talks about his horrifying experience at the Auschwitz concentration camp. They were all treated like animals. Innocent women and children we beaten for no reasons with clubs and the butts of rifles. He saw the death of his family and friends. He saw horrifying images of thousands of children being tossed into fires. He would cry and cry. He lived in scarce and fear. He had believed that God had went away because he thought that God wouldn’t let this type of thing happen to all of these innocent people. He and his father worked together in an electrical factory and would take care of each other. His father started to get weaker and ill and it was being difficult to take care of him. They were malnourished andidn't’t have the proper clothing. He would give his father his rations of bread and soup because he was getting old and sick. He was always afraid to be separated from his father and they would do whatever it took to stay together. He was always so scared during examinations because he believes that they think that his father would not be worthy enough to keep. The battle front was moving closer and closer to the camp. They were able to hear the cannons off in the distance. As it got closer they were able to see the glare of the glow from the cannons. They were going to be evacuated to a camp deep in Germany. The officers made the prisoners run for hours and hours and were shot if they started to fall behind. The snow was falling extremely hard and continued. They loaded the prisoners onto cattle carts with no roofs on them. They traveled for days without no food or water. Thousands died. They finally arrived at the camp. His father was getting weaker and weaker and eventually died. Then one day they were waiting for an SS officer to come out but was very late. They knew that something must have happened. Then the resistance decided to act. They took over the camp and all the officers flee. Elie Wiesel lived in the holocaust. He saw things that he would never forget. He would never be the same after.

The author's comments:
English summer reading assignment


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