Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer | Teen Ink

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

August 5, 2013
By Jozilla BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Jozilla BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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In this novel I found it very hard to understand at the beginning, due to all of the confusing text. As I was reading, the story took a lot of twists between multiple backgrounds of the different characters in the book. This was hard to read and to understand. After all the characters where more than formally introduced, it got a lot easier to read. Their climb up the mountain got me hooked with every chapter. I had to be very patient while reading, but it very soon got interesting. The way the author builds suspense to the upcoming problems, really makes me want to read on.

The audience for this novel would include a young adult, defiantly too difficult for anyone younger. I had a hard time reading this book at the beginning. There is a lot of text that is advanced for most, probably because it was written by a reporter. It takes a while to quite understand the passages that are written in the book, but after a better look at it, it began to make more sense.

I really liked the add-on to every chapter, the quotes or passages relating to the upcoming chapter made it very interesting to read on. Each passage got deeper and deeper further into the book. Some were also made by the climbers on the expedition, which made it a lot more powerful.

The author did a very good job with the dialogue throughout the book, with the exception of the beginning confusion for me. The way he described every detail made it very hard to put the book down. But during the beginning of the novel, I found it hard to follow along with the authors notes. He would be telling a story of a group, and then it would drift off into telling us about another person’s background. This occurs many times in the early chapters, leaving me lost and slow reading. The author would also change times telling things of the past and present at the same time, but it tied itself together after every chapter.

In my opinion, I would recommend reading this book. It is very deep and will have most readers hook within the first 100 pages. I give this book 3.5 star out of 5. It is better than your average explorer novel, and if you like suspense and thrills then this would be a great book for you to read. I enjoyed and I am not much of a reader.


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