Gateway of the Mind | Teen Ink

Gateway of the Mind

September 26, 2013
By vividclarity BRONZE, Pike Creek, Delaware
vividclarity BRONZE, Pike Creek, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For my review, I would like to write about a story I read on Facebook today. This story is a section called "Creepy Pasta." Before I begin my review, let me give you a general basis on the story. So the story begins about a theory made in 1983. Scientists theorized that a human without any access to their senses, or unable to perceive stimuli would be able to perceive the presence of "god." So they begin to study, and only one person was willing to be a test subject since he stated he "had nothing to live for." So they sever every sensory nerve connection to the brain so the man is unable to see, hear, taste. smell, or feel. He is able to talk, so they record what he says and watch him.

He began to speak out of his state of mind. Note that his speech was slurred since he could not hear himself talk. Four days into the experiment, he claimed to be hearing hushed, unintelligible voices in his head. The scientists payed little attention to this for they assumed it was an onset of psychosis. Two days later, the man said he could hear his dead wife and could speak back to her. The scientists were intrigued and also weren't convinced until the subject started naming dead relatives of the scientists as well as their personal information that he would of not known about. After a week of conversing with the deceased, he became distressed saying the overwhelming voices in his head. He kept throwing his body against the wall, trying to feel some sort of connection with the physical world, but had no response since his sensory was switched off. He begged them to sedate him so he could sleep and not be bombarded by the voices in his head. The subject began to claw and scream at his eyes, again trying to feel pain, anything that is a connection to the physical world. So they sedated him but it only worked for 3 days. The voices began to speak of hell and the end of the world, and he began to repeatedly yell "No heaven, no forgiveness." for five hours strait. After another day the subject could no longer form understandable sentences, and begged to be killed but the scientists did not command since they thought he was close to establishing contact with God. He began inflicting harm on himself, so the scientists strapped him down on a table so he could not kill himself. He cried strait for two weeks, and had to be re hydrated from the constant tears. he eventually turned his head directly to one of the scientists focused on him even though he could not see, and whispered "I have spoken with God, and He has abandoned us" and passed away.

I know this story may bring up some controversy, but just to note this is fiction. After I read this, it brought some questions up such as, I wonder what he felt? I wonder what he had experienced during these days of nothingness. I began to think, that our senses do distract us from our conscious, that we are so occupied with our senses, that we cannot fully focus on our train of thought. Which explains why when we sleep, we dream, we have no limits, and everything is so vivid. Even though this story is fiction, it is also hidden with real experiences and truthfulness. It explains how simple things, anything, can have much more deep meanings that can help us. This story is a great read, and i am glad I stumbled upon it because it helped me exercise my thoughts, and helped me realize then when we think we are concentrating, we really aren't, we are being distracted from our thoughts.

I myself do not believe in a certain higher being, rather I believe in a higher being or purpose then myself, and that I think it is absurd to make an assumption on something that I have not experienced myself. Maybe some people such as the "subject" have experienced a higher being. People tell me that I tend to over think things, I myself don't believe so, I think that I am just trying to get a better understanding of what I am "over thinking." Which is also why I have written a review on this story, it exercises the brain, it brings questions up that your trying to answer, it makes you think about life, and about our purpose in this vast place.

Thank you for reading my review. I believe it is good to do something different which explains why I didnt do this on a popular book, or a new album of a famous artist. Rather then write it on something that has many reviews, I wanted to make this a first. If you would like to read this story, it is titled "Gateway Of The Mind." There is no author, it is just a short story on the internet that I found interesting to write.

Anonymous, . N.p.. Web. 25 Sep 2013. <>.

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