Harrison Bergeon by Kurt Vonnegut | Teen Ink

Harrison Bergeon by Kurt Vonnegut

November 10, 2015
By Shastamare BRONZE, Portland, Washington
Shastamare BRONZE, Portland, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Caring Soul
Hopefully, since we were little our parents have always told us to be caring towards anyone and everyone. I found this trait in a normal character named Hazel. Hazel is considered to be normal person in the story “Harrison Bergeron” but in my mind she showed better character than all of the characters in that story, simply because she cared for others. She lives in a messed up world, where everyone must be equal to the next person. She is married to a man named George and their son Harrison was taken away from them at age fourteen. Hazel from “Harrison Bergeron”  by Kurt Vonnegut showed that she was caring because of her appearance, actions and speech.
A way to see Hazel’s caring personality is by her appearance. Hazel is caring because she would cry if something sad would happen and we see it most when Hazel is watching TV. For example: “There were tears on Hazel’s cheeks, but she’d forgotten for the moment what they were about” (Vonnegut 134).  This evidence shows that even though she could not remember what had happened she still remembered that it was very sad so she had been crying. Hazel showed that she is caring in her appearance because even though she had forgot what had happened she still knew that it was sad and she had emotion about the thing that happened.
Another way to see that Hazel is caring is by her actions is that she cared for George in she would have sympathy for him. We can see her do this in the story where she states: “Boy!” Hazel said “That was a doozy, wasn't it?” (Vonnegut 135). By noticing when the noise would happen Hazel’s actions showed that she is caring.
Another way to show that Hazel is caring by the other characters reactions. We can see an example of this from George’s reactions to Hazel when she suggests that he go and rest and when he responds “I don’t mind it” (Vonnegut 135). This shows that George knows that Hazel cares about his health and is worried about him.
The fourth way to see that Hazel is caring is through her speech. She showed through her speech that she has a heart because while they were watching TV she has emotion to a point about the stuff that is happening. She showed this trait when she states on page 139 “Something real sad on television” (Vonnegut). This speech showed that she understood that something terribly sad had happened even though she couldn’t remember what had happened. Hazel’s speech showed that she is caring in that she would comment when something sad had affected her.
In conclusion the information from “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut proved my thought that Hazel is caring. Throughout the story Hazel’s appearance showed that she is caring because whenever something sad or emotional would happen she would be emotional about it.  She showed that she has a heart because while they were watching TV she has emotion to a point about the stuff happening. She cared for George in that whenever he would get the noise she have sympathy for him would ask him what the noise was. Although Hazel lived in a messed up world she showed caring to other people, we could take Hazel’s example and be caring towards other people in our messed up world. “A act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted” Aesop.

The author's comments:

I was asked to write a charcter annasis and I found this amazing character Hazel from the story "Harrison Bergeon" by Kurt Vonnegut to be a perfect character to put in the spotlight! Hope you enjoy.


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