Looking For Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking For Alaska by John Green

April 2, 2016
By AdisonG BRONZE, Draper, Utah
AdisonG BRONZE, Draper, Utah
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       After reading Looking For Alaska, I was left to ponder most everything. Life is simply one big labyrinth, you can either find yourself a corner to “live” in and pretend that everything is okay, or you can wander further and experience happiness, heartbreak, and just about everything in between. I recommend this book for anyone who seeks a beautiful piece of literature and an amazing adventure.
       Miles “Pudge” Halter leaves home to attend Culver Creek Boarding School, where his life will dramatically change. Down the hall from his dorm lives Alaska Young. Alaska fascinates Pudge in a way he can’t understand. Alaska, Colonel, and Takumi launch Miles on his adventure of his own Great Perhaps.   
       Looking For Alaska is gorgeously written and can’t be seen as the cliche boy-meets-girl love story. This book transported me into another world and propelled me on an emotional rollercoaster. Looking For Alaska deserves the Michaell Printz Award For Excellence In Young Adult Literature over and over again. This book was outstanding and I recommend this book to anyone and everyone because it’s message and theme is extraordinary.

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